Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Terrible Blogger...

So my dear friends, I've come to realize that I am absolutely terrible when it comes to keeping up a blog.
However, a very dear, and longtime friend, who is an incredible writer mentioned that I should keep up a blog to help get my writings out for people to see. It's a bit more of a challenge than the other ways that I have been getting my writings out, but this is a place where people come when they are really interested in what I have to say, and take time to read it. I can't promise anything absolutely amazing, but I will be writing what is laid on my heart. I love to write stories, poems, devotions, anything... Anything that points people to my True Love, Jesus Christ. Yes, I write crazy, and random stories, but that too can show my love to God, because He is the one that has given me the talent to write.

I've recently been contacted by a self-publishing company, and an thinking about getting one of my stories published. It would take some money and time, but sometime in the near future, I just might do that. But for the time being, I will attempt to once again keep up this blog.

So, this post isn't going to be very long, just a few words to let you all know that I am back again, after 7 months of silence, and I'm going to be posting some of my writings.

I hope that you are all having a very fabulous day. :)

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